UMW 2015 Report

Calvary UMW is a small unit, but its members are dedicated to the purpose of United Methodist Women. Calvary UMW has two circles –a morning and night circle. Circles meet during the year except for the summer months and come together once a quarter for a General Meeting. Our hands-on mission project for our General Meeting is to bring donations for The Relatives located on East Boulevard. The Relatives provide a safe haven for children or youth who are experiencing problems in the home.

Our unit contributes to all Five Channels of Mission Giving through our Pledge to Missions, Special Mission Recognition offering, Gift to Mission and Gift in Memory cards, and World Thank Offering, along with the Call to Prayer Offering and Love Offering at the WNCC UMW Annual Meeting.

Calvary’s unit supports Bethlehem Center, a UMW national mission, with a campership donation, school supplies, mission program donation, and gifts at Christmas for the “Star of Bethlehem” program for children and seniors.

For many years our unit and members of the congregation have forwarded a donation to Red Bird Mission in Beverly, Kentucky to purchase toys for the children at Christmas.

Calvary UMW is represented at all District and Conference events. Our unit participates in all hands-on mission projects for these events. We celebrate the work of United Methodist Women during a worship service in February each year and invite a district officer to bring a message.

In keeping with the purpose of United Methodist Women, donations from our budget are distributed to missions involving women, children, and youth. Some of the mission agencies our unit supports are Classroom Central, Center of Hope, Bright Blessings, MATCH program, Red Bird Mission for Christmas toys, and Stratford Richardson YMCA.

Brenda Alexander, President
